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What Is Section 280g

Internal Revenue Code Section 280G: What You Need to Know

What is Section 280G?

Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) disallows a deduction for "golden parachute" payments made to disqualified individuals.

Who is a Disqualified Individual?

A disqualified individual is an employee who:

  • Owns more than 1% of the corporation's stock
  • Is a highly compensated employee
  • Receives a payment that is contingent on a change in ownership or control of the corporation

What is a Golden Parachute Payment?

A golden parachute payment is any payment made to a disqualified individual that is:

  • In excess of three times the individual's base salary
  • Made within one year of a change in ownership or control of the corporation
  • Not connected to the performance of the individual

Effect of Section 280G

The effect of Section 280G is to disallow a deduction for golden parachute payments. This means that the corporation cannot deduct these payments from its taxable income. Additionally, the disqualified individual must pay a 20% excise tax on the payment.

Exceptions to Section 280G

There are a few exceptions to Section 280G. For example, the disallowance of a deduction does not apply to:

  • Payments made to a disqualified individual who is involuntarily terminated
  • Payments made to a disqualified individual who is over the age of 65
  • Payments made to a disqualified individual who is disabled
