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Pickleball Rules

Pickleball: A Quick Guide to the Rules

Doubles vs. Singles

Pickleball can be played as either doubles (two players per team) or singles. The playing area and rules are the same regardless of the number of players.

Getting Started

To get started, you just need a pickleball paddle and a ball. You can find both at most sporting goods stores.

Basic Rules

Here are nine simple rules to get you started:

  1. The serve must be underhand and diagonal.
  2. The ball must bounce once on each side of the net before being volleyed.
  3. Volleys must be hit below the waist.
  4. You can only hit the ball once per turn.
  5. The ball can bounce twice on your side of the net.
  6. You cannot touch the net.
  7. The game is played to 11 points, win by 2.
  8. No foot faults in singles.
  9. Non-volley zone (the "kitchen") is 7 feet on each side of the net.

That's it! With these rules in mind, you'll be ready to start playing pickleball in no time.
