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Headline: New Study Finds Link Between Sleep and Heart Health


People who get less than six hours of sleep a night are more likely to develop heart disease, stroke, and heart failure, according to a new study.

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The study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, followed more than 100,000 people for an average of 11 years. During that time, more than 5,000 people developed heart disease, stroke, or heart failure.

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The researchers found that people who slept less than six hours a night were 20% more likely to develop heart disease, stroke, or heart failure than people who slept seven to eight hours a night. They were also 15% more likely to die from heart disease.

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The study adds to growing evidence that sleep is essential for overall health. Previous studies have linked sleep deprivation to obesity, diabetes, and depression.

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The researchers are not sure why sleep deprivation increases the risk of heart disease, but they speculate that it may be due to a number of factors.

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Sleep deprivation may lead to inflammation, which is a risk factor for heart disease. It may also disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythm, which can lead to problems with blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
