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Low Tech Ships With Extra Armor

AI Ship Design Guidelines

Low-Tech Ships with Extra Armor

AI is most effective in handling low-tech ships equipped with additional armor. This provides them with increased durability to withstand enemy fire. The AI's ability to respond quickly and effectively in combat is less hindered by damage.

Weapon Selection

AI-controlled ships should prioritize kinetic weapons, such as machine guns, autocannons, and railguns. AI excels at rapidly switching between different weapon types and instantly reacting to changing situations.

Recommended Ships

  • Falcon
  • Eagle
  • Heron

Ship Systems

Ship systems that assist AI in positioning and evasion are highly beneficial. For example, systems that allow the ship to quickly change direction or activate shields can help the AI keep out of harm's way.

Officers and Skills

The officers assigned to AI-controlled ships play a significant role in their performance. Skills that improve the ship's maneuverability, weapon handling, and survivability are recommended.


While AI can handle most aspects of ship combat effectively, it has limitations. AI is not as capable at making strategic decisions or anticipating enemy tactics. Therefore, it's important to use AI-controlled ships in conjunction with player-controlled ships for optimal results.
