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Meme Colonoscopy Prep

**TikTok's Dr. Colonoscopy Meme Takes Off** TikTok users have found a new way to poke fun at the dreaded colonoscopy procedure: the Dr. Colonoscopy meme. Videos using the hashtag #DrColonoscopyMeme have garnered millions of views, with users sharing their hilarious experiences and reactions to the prep and procedure. From the notorious "gatorade colonoscopy drink" to the awkward poses required during the exam, the meme has captured the lighter side of an otherwise uncomfortable experience. Some users have shared videos of themselves pretending to be Dr. Colonoscopy, delivering comedic lines and instructions to their patients. Others have recreated the awkward moments of the procedure, from preparing for the exam to the post-op recovery. The meme has resonated with TikTok users, particularly those who have experienced (or dread) a colonoscopy. It has provided a humorous way to connect over a shared experience, making the procedure seem less daunting. While the Dr. Colonoscopy meme is lighthearted, it's important to remember that colonoscopies are a crucial screening tool for detecting colorectal cancer. If you're over 50 years old or have a family history of the disease, talk to your doctor about getting a colonoscopy. It could save your life.
